سعادة الدكتور حازم رحاحلة
مدير عام المؤسسة العامة للضمان الإجتماعي
- Assistant Director General, Director of Policy and Research Department, Economic Cities Authority, Saudi Arabia, May 2017- Present
- Economic Expert at the Ministry of Economy and Commerce, Qatar, March 2015- May 2017
- A project manager, leading the work on constructing a long-term projection and policy oriented macroeconomic-sectoral model for Qatar’s economy
- Support the research and policy formulation at the Ministry. This includes observing key economic developments in Qatar’s economy, conducting analytic work on sectors’ diagnostic and competitiveness, analyzing national socio-economic policies
- Social Insurance Specialist, Short-Term Consultant, the World Bank, Qatar, 2013-2015
- Provided technical assistance to General Retirement and Social Insurance Agency in Qatar on enhancing the financial sustainability of old age, early retirement pension scheme and disability scheme through rationalizing their benefits and contribution structure. The technical assistance activities were focusing also on providing practical options for extending social insurance coverage at the national level
- Lead Economist, National Committee for Assessing the Privatization Policy in Jordan, March 2013- April 2014
- Led the technical work on assessing the economic, financial and social implications of privatization transactions and public-private partnerships in Jordan
- Senior Economic Advisor, Supreme Economic Council (SEC), Royal Court, Saudi Arabia, March 2011- March 2013
- Provided technical and advisory assistance to SEC. SEC was responsible for reviewing and approving national economic policies and assess reform measures proposed by different ministries and public entities. Among the most important advisory services provided to the government; reviewing country’s fiscal policy, assessing the national policy for enhancing social protection in the country, analyzing the labor market and providing various options to enhance employment and lower unemployment rates among nationals, suggest measures to improve the fiscal position of the country with a lens on social aspects
- Member (Economic Expert), Technical Team- Jordan’s National Employment Strategy, 2010-2011
- Director of Research and Development& Economic Advisor, Social Security Corporation- Jordan, January 2007-February 2011
- Led the analytic activities needed to support the reform of social insurance plans (old age and early retirement scheme, disability insurance, work injury and occupational disease). These activities entailed assessing the long-term fiscal viability of these schemes, identify the loopholes in the Social Security Law, measuring the financing gap, assessing the generosity of plans’ benefits, reviewing the incentives structure and adequacy of social benefits as well as the affordability and viability of financing sources, namely contributions
- Led the work on designing reform package for the existed social insurance schemes aims at enhancing their future financial viability. The package included changing benefits’ formulas and eligibility criteria to reduce adverse incentives towards early retirement, enhance cross subsidies among beneficiaries to which a progressive benefit structure was introduced in old-age and disability schemes, among other measures. The distributional and financial implications of these measures were assessed via in-house developed modelling techniques. A new social security law was drafted based on this work, which has been approved by the cabinet and then by the parliament. According to long-term actuarial assessment of the new law provisions, the entire system breakeven point was pushed twenty years ahead the status quo
- Led the research on possible options for covering and financing a comprehensive employment-based health insurance scheme. This project aimed at extending health insurance coverage among the uninsured population. Several technical studies were conducted with a collaboration with ILO and the World Bank on filling the coverage gap among the employed population and their dependents. The scheme was designed to be PAYG system financed through monthly contributions from both, the employers and their employees. Different coverage extension scenarios (vertically and horizontally) were assessed against different dimensions such as future financial sustainability, coverage affordability, fairness and equity aspects. Several subsidy options were also considered for low-income earners. The proposal was discussed with health sector’s stakeholders, and the government has agreed to include a new provision in the social security law which allows the corporation to play a role in filling the coverage gap among workers. As an initial step, the Social Security Corporation, together with the Ministry of Health and National Aid Fund has opened a voluntary health insurance window
- Designed an unemployment individual saving accounts insurance scheme with the collaboration with the World Bank team. While similar schemes have been introduced in several countries around the world especially in Latin American countries, the scheme has introduced an innovative vehicle which allows contributors to leverage their old-age benefits against borrowing from the unemployment fund. The World Bank has quoted this scheme as among best global practices. Currently, the scheme covers more than 700 thousand contributors, and yet more than 10 thousand unemployed persons have benefited from the fund
- Participated in designing a new maternity insurance scheme in collaboration with International Labor Organization. The scheme was introduced in 2010 and implemented in 2011. As of today, it covers females working in the private sector with minor exceptions. The new scheme covers 10 weeks of total salary after delivery and financed through the monthly contributions from employers
- Senior Social Insurance Consultant, The World Bank, General Organization for Social Insurance, Syria, June 2009-June 2010
- Assisted the Government of Syria to pass and implement the complex pension reform and unemployment insurance plan developed in cooperation with the World Bank team
- Economic Advisor, Ministry of Finance- Jordan, January 2006- January 2007
- Advised the Ministry on appropriate measure to improve the fiscal position touching upon areas like rationalizing current expenditures, subsidy policy, pension reform, among others
- Participated in the formulation of Medium Term Fiscal Framework
- Assessed the economic and fiscal implications of draft laws, bylaws, and policies proposed by different governmental bodies
- Lecturer and Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Department of Economics, Banking and Financial Sciences, Al-Balqa Applied University, July 2005-January 2006
- Teaching and Research Assistant, Darmstadt University of Technology, Germany, 2003-2005
- Economist, Ministry of Finance- Jordan, October 2000- July 2003
- Participated in research work conducted on Macro- Fiscal policies, and impact assessment of existing and new regulations and proposed policy measures
- Shared the technical work on modelling and reforming the public military and civil pension scheme